
The world stop spinning :)

World economy slow down. Soon the earth will stop spins :-)

WTI Cushing Spot 88.65 -1.37 -1.52 12:11

Gold is $888

US stocks down 2.2% - see Dow YTD chart:

Looks like only the USD is up...
So Bernanke, are you ready to cut again?


I bought some more GLD @ 87.75(will buy more @ 85) - I don't buy theory gold will be down to $670. Maximum downsize I see is $780-800.

I have order for PBR @ 100 (and will buy more @ ~95 or ~90).
Hopefully $100 order will be filled tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

The US economy is slowing down this year,but what about the perspectives for Bulgaria,Romania and so on?

NMMM.NU said...

Romania - I don't know. They have better economy law, but in general they are far far behind Bulgaria.

Bulgaria - slowdown is fact, but is not very big - at least some Moody's numbers show that.

The inflation is similar to rest EU, which is high (I know in Romania is 2-3 times than EU).

Bulgarian Stock Exchange is down, can not say exact percentage.

Anonymous said...

The recession is here. All the free cheaply borrowed money is gone. The world economies will have to stand on their own as the American consumers are now going to have to start paying back all their debt.
Inflation in Europe, Asia, and U.S. will spike, but as America contracts it should reign in. If not the Fed will spike interest rates, and the markets will contract 20-30%.
The dust will settle my mid 2009.

NMMM.NU said...

>>>...the American consumers are now going to have to start paying back all their debt.

You still believe all those money will be paid back?!?! :-)

>>>If not the Fed will spike interest rates...

I think FED will raise no rates soon, at least not before Oil reach $150, and gold ~$1200-1500

Gold Kaufen? :-)