

2 Homes For Price Of 1 Ripoff
from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis by Michael Shedlock



Rising Oil Price Brings Out Nut Case Solutions
from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis by Michael Shedlock

UBS Says More Mortgage Losses
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse

US Dollar Weekly Chart with Commitments of Traders as of 20 May 2008
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse
(nice USD charts)

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe...
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse
(funny serious post)

What the Oil Price is Telling Us and Will it Affect Gold and Silver Prices?
by Julian D. W. Phillips
(2nd part of the article, but you do not need to read 1st one)

It's Not an Oil Crisis It's a Dollar Crisis
by Peter Schiff

Sell Gold in May and Go Away?
by Roland Watson
... and come after Labour day ;)
(I don't fully agree this time)

Silver Technicals 2
by Adam Hamilton


StreetTRACKS Gold Trust changes name to SPDR Gold Trust

GLD StreetTRACKS Gold Trust changes name to "SPDR Gold Trust"

The new name will be SPDR Gold Trust, and the ticker symbol GLD will remain unchanged.


University of Michigan survey: Confidence down, inflation expectations off the charts

University of Michigan survey: Confidence down, inflation expectations off the charts
by Mike Larson

FIB once again

FIB, BNB @ Kapital newspaper.
(in Bulgarian)


FIB again


Don Harrold on ... conspiracy :)

Paul Volcker on the Financial Crisis

via Jesse

More FIB information

Спокойна търговия, акциите на ПИБ възстановиха изгубеното*
От: Красимир Йорданов

ПИБ: Който вярва на слухове, да си изтегли депозитите от нас
Гергана Михайлова
(hahaha много непрофесионално)

FIB information

FIB information (in Bulgarian)

Live for the core, die for the core...

Extra, Extra!!!
Inflation defeated :)

(if you believe them of cource)

Curious CPI: +0.2% overall, +0.1% core
from Interest Rate Roundup by Mike Larson

Flood of Foreclosures... [via Mike Larson]

RealtyTrac: No rest for those weary of foreclosures
from Interest Rate Roundup by Mike Larson

Paul Volcker and CNBC, CNN & other bubblevision channels

We Can't Handle the Truth?
from Jesse's Café Américain by Jesse

Flood of Foreclosures...

Flood of Foreclosures Prove Loan Modification Isn't Working by Michael Shedlock


Mexico Drops Out Of 2008 Summer Olympics

President Felipe Calderon of Mexico has announced that Mexico will not participate in the Beijing Summer Olympics.

He stated:
"Casi cada uno que puede funcionar, saltar, o la nadada ha salido ya del pams."

"Just about everyone who can run, jump or swim has already left the country!"

via Ken

Is IMF trying to recover its gold by pretending to sell it?

GATA: Is IMF trying to recover its gold by pretending to sell it?

via Ken

Don Coxe - Summertime -- and the Drivers Feel Queasy

Very strange oppinion:

Don Coxe - Summertime -- and the Drivers Feel Queasy
[link to the audio]

Massive Readings...

Banks Continue to Write-Off Bad US Debt
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse

The Case for Hyperinflation - A Special Report
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse
(did not read it, but if you are not familliar with John Williams, read it)

Gold Weekly Chart - The Gold Bull Still Intact
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse
(gold chart)

US Dollar Weekly Chart with Commitments of Traders
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse
(USD index chart)

Housing Hell in Spain and Oz
from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis by Michael Shedlock
(Spain and Australia)

Gold Market Update
from Safehaven by Clive Maund

Silver Market Update
from Safehaven by Clive Maund

Honest Money Gold and Silver Report: Market Wrap
from Safehaven by Douglas V. Gnazzo

Some that I will read later today:

A New Inflationary Epoch
by Doug Noland

Gasoline, Diesel, and Oil
by Adam Hamilton

The Ticking Credit Card Time Bomb
by Peter Schiff


Hair - Let the Sunshine In

Why the ‘Bull’ Market is far From Over

I am receiving these by email, and do not know where the actual article is:

Why the ‘Bull’ Market is far From Over
By: Julian D. W. Phillips, Gold/Silver Forecaster - Global Watch
9th May 2008

Some talk of the end of the credit crunch. Some say that the gold bull market has suffered severe damage, which will affect its long-term prospects. If we were to accept these statements then it would appear that the gold ‘bull’ market is over. But are these statements acceptable and do they reflect the true picture underlying the gold [and silver] markets? To get the proper perspective let’s stand back and look at the ‘big’ picture.

Is the Worst Over?

· Credit Crunch?
Not according to the I.M.F. An assessment by the International Monetary Fund that potential losses as a result of the credit crisis could exceed US$1 trillion, including warnings that further losses and write-downs on prime mortgages, commercial real estate, leveraged loans, and consumer finance were likely.
The IMF’s Global Financial Stability report put credit market losses at USD945bn, as of mid-March, with more losses expected for months to come. The report also stressed the fact that the credit crisis was impacting the full spectrum of the financial market in one way or another, with losses distributed between banks, insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, and other investors. We note that credit card finance alonside car finance has been included in assets acceptable to the Fed as collateral, which tells us it is not over by a long shot.

· U.S. Trade Deficit
February recorded a Trade deficit of $62.3 billion against a January deficit of $59.0. This still looks like a $720 billion deficit to us and with oil prices now at over $120 a barrel and Chinese imports still cheaper than local products and flooding in, the prospects are for a worse annual Trade deficit than ever before. And there is no real sign that this deficit is dropping.

· Oil prices

With OPEC talking of a potential oil price of $200 a barrel something has to be done to stop more than a decline in the $; a stop must be put to the massive global scramble for resources by a combination of the developed world and the emerging world, because prices will continue to rise until they are so high that some will have to do without. This problem is about the massive rises in demand with far greater ones to come.

So are there solutions in the pipeline? It seems that the only solutions available to the authorities are existing market controls and proposed market controls on all types of markets, but not on a globally coordinated front. Unless there is global coordination such control will be completely inadequate.

Are you structured to be able to avoid the pernicious effects of coming Capital & Exchange Controls? If not please contact us through gold-authenticmoney@iafrica.com

Happy Den Pobedoy :)

Happy 9.May to these who celebrate it ;o)


AIG the latest to go begging for billions
from Interest Rate Roundup by Mike Larson

AIG Lays an E-G-G
from Jesse's Cafe Americain by Jesse

Fire Sale At Citigroup?
from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis by Michael Shedlock

Why a Top in Oil is Bullish for Gold Stocks
Jordan Roy-Byrne

Mining Company Risk
by David Morgan

Near-term Top in the Euro/Dollar, Bottom in SP 500?
by Mike Paulenoff
(i do not agree with him)

Are Institutional Investors Close to Selling?
by Marty Chenard


Interest rates in EU an UK

Interest rates in EU an UK unchanged.

BG interest rate were hiked.


PBR split 1:2
(1 old = 2 new)

Yahoo finance currently show the chart in "wrong" way. I recommend google finance:


Thursday Oil Market Round-Up
by BondDad

The Correction's End
by Roy Martens

A Rally To Nowhere
by Brady Willett